Mission Info
Mission: Growing and providing free food from what we have to manage, to make a local impact helping neighbors in need.
Organization Overview: IHartHarvest Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charity, with volunteers coming together to plant, tend, harvest and help provide food to neighbors finding themselves in need.
General Information: In 2017, an estimated 57 million Americans including elderly people, children, the working poor, veterans and all those in between, go to bed hungry each night, or not knowing when their next meal will be. Today the dated statistic is over 50 million people. 1 in 5 people in your home town. 1 in 4 children will suffer form hunger this day. So, what can you do about it? We need farm equipment, farmable land for use, financial stewardship, and dedicated volunteers to help.
Orthopraxy; correctness or orthodoxy of action or practice.
orthopraxy (ˈɔːθəˌpræksɪ) — n theol the belief that right action is as important as religious faith [from Greek orthos correct + praxis deed, action]
Helping Do, What Matters... Orthopraxy is a term derived from modern Greek ὀρθοπραξία (orthopraxia) meaning "correct action/activity" or an emphasis on conduct, both ethical and liturgical, as opposed to faith or grace etc. This contrasts with orthodoxy, which emphasizes correct belief, and ritualism, the use of rituals. Orthopraxy is focused on issues of family, cultural integrity, the transmission of tradition, sacrificial offerings, concerns of purity, ethical systems, and the enforcement thereof.
IHartHarvest Inc.: A Unique Christian Ministry outreach addressing local hunger issues. All volunteers growing and producing free food, managed from what we have, for local hungry neighbors in need. We grow fresh produce on land given for use, supported by stewardship donations and sustainability cropping, produce harvested by volunteer hands, and distributed freely to local Food Banks, pantries, kitchens, and entities serving those neighbors who find themselves in need.
(Helping Harvest Food Bank, Second Harvest Food Bank of Lehigh Valley, Chester County Food Bank, and other local qualified concerns.)
Facebook: @potatoproject
Lamentations 4:9; Happier were those pierced by the sword than those pierced by hunger, whose life drains away, deprived of the produce of the field.
Diaconal Ministry - Linda Zawaski, D.M., Deacon at Becker's St. Peter's Lutheran Church
The Six Marks of Diaconal Ministry; Diaconal Ministry is a form of rostered leadership ministry designed to enable the ELCA to more effectively fulfill its mission. Diaconal Ministers are called by this church to positions that exemplify the servant life and seek to equip and motivate others to live it. Diaconal Ministers shall seek in a variety of ways to empower, equip, and support the baptized people of God in the ministry of Jesus Christ and the mission of God in the world. As a covenanted community, centered in the Word, grounded in the biblical call to diakonia (servant ministry) and brought forth by the ELCA, we seek to encourage and support one another, and partner with others to address the emerging missions and ministry needs of the church and our world. Diaconal ministers are marked by these characteristics and shall:
Be Rooted in the Word of God as Diaconal Minister, are ministers of the Word of God, committed to Christ, and called to be spokespersons for the Gospel, the apostolic faith, and the theological emphasis of this church to God’s world.
Be Trained to Carry Out a Particular Service Diaconal ministers carry out a public ministry of service and witness. With demonstrated competence and expertise in a particular discipline, diaconal ministers may serve both within and outside of congregational settings, in each case bearing responsibility for making the linkages between church and world. Programmatic ministries within congregational settings should be marked by extension of the witness and service of the church into the wider community.
Be Committed and Prepared to Equip the Baptized for Ministry in the World and in the Church Diaconal ministers along with pastors are called to lead and equip the baptized for ministry. Diaconal ministers support the ministry of the baptized through appropriate programmatic ministries and by working with the laity in discerning and encouraging their gifts for ministry.
Give Particular Attention to Ministries at the Boundaries Between the Church and World Diaconal ministers carry public responsibility to speak for the needs of God’s world to the church as well as taking God’s saving Gospel to the needs of the world through the actions of God’s people both individually and collectively.
Exemplify the Life of Christ-like Service Addressing all Forms of Human Need The call to diaconal ministry is a lifelong commitment which supports and compliments the ministry of Word and Sacrament, focusing on ministry to the whole person. This “diaconal bias” provides the lens and vision for developing the diaconal mission of the church carried out among and through its members.
Be Grounded in Community Diaconal ministers need the support and shared vision of a community of leaders committed to a common calling. This grounding in a diaconal community serves as the reminder to seek to build community in all ministry settings. All who want to learn more about diaconal ministry in the ELCA are welcome here and we invite you to browse this site as you learn more about diaconal ministry and discern whether you might be called to a ministry of Word and Service as well. Blessings on your journey! If I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet John 13:14
Diaconal Ministers are consecrated for service in ministries at the intersection of church and world. These rostered lay leaders work to seek wholeness in the world and to help the people of God to live out the Gospel. They are committed to alerting the church to the needs of the world. Diaconal ministry is a ministry of Word and service, sharing the hope of Christ, helping where there is need, and equipping others for healing and justice in the world. Diaconal Ministers serve through agencies, institutions, and traditional church programs as they build bridges between the church and the world.